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A New Year

2016 ended, as it always does, with the traditional Turkey Trot. Once again, this popular competition attracted a strong field. Overall, scoring was good, despite the appalling conditions. John Dixon and Gerry Smith both returned respectable scores of 30 points each. Ian Clibbon surprised himself (and everybody else!) by returning 32 points, to take the Clubhouse lead. For much of the day, it looked as if his score wouldn't be beaten, until Dino Grazioli trumped him by a single point. The atmosphere within the Clubhouse was extremely festive, with everybody enjoying mulled wine and minced pies, whilst listing to seasonal songs. Much fun was had by all!


So, the New Year is upon us, and so far the weather has allowed many of you to enjoy some winter golf. Sadly though, January's scheduled Stableford competitions have succumbed to poor weather, and have not been playable. The good news is, there is still time to enter the Winter Scramble, which is to be played at the end of the month (Sat 28th.)


I'm sure you'll all be interested to know that Steve is spending more time at the Club, as he continues to recover from his accident. He is currently working on the new Spring/ Summer Season Fixture List, which will be available for you to peruse early in March.

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